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Commitments of Traders Data & COT Charts are proprietary tools for analyzing commercial interests and identifying market extremes.
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Other Commodities
- Cash Settled Butter
- Cash Settled Cheese
- Class III Milk
- Class IV Milk
- Crude Palm Oil
- Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index
- Dry Whey
- Nonfat Dry Milk
- S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
- S&P-GSCI Excess Return Index
- Sugar No. 16
- E-micro Gold
- Iron Ore 62% Fe CFR China (TSI)
- U.S. Midwest Domestic Hot-Rolled Coil Steel (CRU) Index
- UxC Uranium U3O8
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#USDA Weekly #Grain Export Sales #Corn, #Soybean, #Wheat, #Futures for Thursday, 04/28/2022
-Corn sales slightly below expectations-Soybean sales within expectations-Wheat sales minimal-SBM/SBO sales as expected U.S. old crop corn sales, for the week ended 4/21/22, were 867k tonnes (34.1...
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Capitol Commodity Hedging Services
3905 Vincennes Road Suite 303
IN 46268